How to Create Funnels on LinkedIn

When you’re trying to generate leads on LinkedIn, you have to think about more than just connecting with as many people as possible. You have to think about connecting with the right people. That’s where LinkedIn funnels come in to help you connect with the professionals in your industry. A LinkedIn funnel is a way to target your ideal customer or client on the platform.

Before creating a LinkedIn sales funnel, you need to understand what a sales funnel is and how to create funnels on LinkedIn. A sales funnel is a method that salespeople use to identify, qualify, and track leads. Businesses use a sales funnel to turn a larger number of prospects into paying customers. The idea behind a funnel is that you start with a large group of people and then narrow that group down through a series of steps to the people who are most likely to buy your product or service. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a sales funnel on LinkedIn.

What is a LinkedIn funnel?

A LinkedIn funnel is a powerful tool that can be used to engage with potential customers on the platform. For example, you can create sales funnels on LinkedIn to identify targets and convert them into leads, which can be converted into paying customers. LinkedIn offers a wide variety of tools and features that can be used to engage potential customers, making it an ideal platform for businesses of all sizes.

A LinkedIn sales funnel is a marketing strategy that helps you reach your target market. It is a process that starts by identifying your target market and then developing a plan to reach them. Before creating one, you must know how to create sales funnels on LinkedIn. The funnel begins with your target market’s needs and ends with your product or service. Octopus CRM LinkedIn automation tool helps create online sales funnels in minutes.

How do I create a sales funnel for Internet marketing?

Sales funnels are a great way to increase revenues for your business. A well-designed sales funnel can help you LinkedIn lead generation through your marketing efforts, resulting in more sales. LinkedIn sales funnel is a great way to increase website traffic and convert more leads into paying customers. LinkedIn offers a plethora of features that can help you create a successful sales funnel. You can create a LinkedIn sales funnel for Internet marketing by following these steps:   1. Create an optimized landing page for LinkedIn. 2. Create a series of email campaigns that target LinkedIn users.

There are a few things you must consider while creating your LinkedIn sales funnel. First, you need to identify your target market. For example, are you selling to businesses or individual users? Once you decide this, you can use any LinkedIn automation tool to create a sales funnel. Automation is the answer to the question – how to create sales funnels on LinkedIn.

5 stages of sales funnels

So, how to create funnels on LinkedIn? There are 5 steps in the sales funnel that you need to follow.

Brand Awareness

Before selling any product or service on LinkedIn, you need to create awareness about your brand, product, or service among your target audience. There are several sales funnel tools available to help you create brand awareness. Usually, LinkedIn professionals do business-to-business marketing as they offer their services to other businesses.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator can take your marketing approach to the next level. It enables you to identify the lead suggestions especially relevant to your business. LinkedIn sales navigator makes the transition to the next level of the sales funnel simple and convenient for your marketing team.


Once you share your information with us, the prospect’s interest moves to the next step. Potential customers can learn more about this product and other useful information by visiting this website. During this process, we strive to build trust between potential customers and ourselves. The content and email we provide to potential customers help us to nurture them, and we can retarget them with offers and other value. As a result, users become interested in learning more about the products or services we offer.

Evaluation / Approval

Approvals are an easy way to prove that you are not a scammer and that you have the skills displayed on your profile. The more testimonials you have, the more credible you will appear. Getting sponsorship from others can open doors and discover opportunities that might not otherwise be available to you. It’s a way to prove that you have “skills,” as the saying goes. People who visit your LinkedIn profile looking for a business partner, an employment contract, or similar opportunities will find it very interesting. Some experts also believe that it has the potential to affect your search rankings. In general, the more referrals you get, the higher your chances of success. Referrals are a surefire way for people to see what their coworkers and clients think of your work. Invite people to support you and return the favor.


Before people decide to buy something from you, they want to know more about your business. This is the stage where most people use LinkedIn automation. It would be helpful if you had a LinkedIn automation tool to track leads and even respond to messages when they are unavailable. You have to be professional as you build relationships with your customers. Be polite, and when potential customers ask for information, direct them to a publication or website that will respond.


All the actions that go into the sales funnel result in a purchase. If you’ve ever been confused by sales funnels, it’s time to understand what happens once a visitor lands on your website. If you’ve set up a good, compelling sales funnel, most of your visitors should end up at your purchase page. A purchase is the last step of your sales funnel, and it can be either a sale of your product or a sign-up for your newsletter.

The purchase page is one of the most important pages on your website. Not only does it signify the end of your sales funnel, but it’s also the first time a visitor interacts with you directly. Therefore, it’s important to have a good purchase page to keep your visitors on your site, increase the value of your products, and give people a chance to understand your business better.

What is the difference between a marketing funnel and a sales funnel?

There is a slight difference in the sales funnel vs. marketing funnel. It turns out that these terms can be exchanged and used in place of each other. The most prominent inequality between the two terms seems to be the context of use.

Mostly, sales and marketing are two clear, typical functions. Each has its own special travel map that sets potential customer progress.

Under marketing, the funnel marks the top of the sales funnel. This implies that sales functions are driven by marketing activities that create awareness to generate product demand.

A marketing funnel is a new or time-tested strategy designed by marketing experts to guide customers from being unaware of your brand to real and loyal customers. The phases of marketing funnels, therefore, begin to increase awareness and succeed until the end with conversion.

On the other hand, the sales funnel is a process in which you plan to make people take action – enter your email list, buy products, or participate in an event. This is a series of sites created to smoothly persuade customers to switch from point A (i.e., curious about your product) to point B (i.e., buying your product). So in that way, sales funnels are part of marketing funnels.

Here are the different steps in the Sales and Marketing funnel to help you better understand the difference between both strategies.

Marketing Funnel

  • Brand Awareness
  • Advertisement / Engagement
  • Buyer
  • Loyalty
  • Sharing

Sales Funnel

  • LinkedIn Lead generation
  • Qualification
  • Negotiation
  • Closing Deal
  • Account Management

However, many businesses join these functions together. Therefore it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish marketing techniques from marketing strategies for sales support. In addition, businesses pursue special artificial stages for each funnel to rationalize their operations. As a result, there is a fine line between the sales funnel and the marketing funnel.


A LinkedIn marketing funnel can be permanent (e.g., LinkedIn article) or temporary (e.g., The video on LinkedIn or the annual event). When you build a group of content, you can reuse the same and promote it back in many things from time to time.

The key to remember is that using LinkedIn as a customer acquisition funnel requires consistent, focused marketing content and activities. This requires consistent content that you publish and active campaigns to promote it.

By consistently creating valuable content and publishing it on LinkedIn, you build not only strong credibility in your market but also involve potential prospects that you can turn into customers. As most organizations have a presence on LinkedIn, you can use your funnel to find clients that agree to work with you in the long term.