Make them feel loved with these 6 Christmas gifts

Celebrating Christmas is a big deal for many families. The cultural implication of gifting presents is a core aspect of celebrating this event.

Do not overlook practical gifts such as food gifts. Practical gifts are lovely for people; what you think is an ordinary skill (canning, breadmaking, dried soup mixes) may be someone else’s favourite gift. You also need to personalize the gift, since you are probably looking for personalized gifts him and his friends will love. Also, your wife would probably prefer if you personalize the gift and be more romantic.

Do not forget about the time factor when it comes to homemade gifts; if you are going the homemade route, schedule the prep time, gift-making time and clean-up. Making homemade applesauce takes about a good 12-hour day! It is worth it, but it is easier to do if you start with the right mental attitude. The favourite gifts that you give to your friends and family can be something as simple as a jar of homemade salsa, some homemade canned applesauce or their favourite christmas cakes online from some website that they truly fancy.

Here are a few ideas that you can incorporate to celebrate Christmas more exciting:

Instead of giving gifts: host a Christmas dinner

If you like to be “artsy”, make fun invites. Or, use an online service to send invites. Make your signature dish, fix a special dessert and decorate with white candles and white twinkle lights. For an icebreaker, let everyone know they will be asked to share a special Christmas memory. Take pictures, and play Nat King Cole or Michael Buble Christmas music in the background.

Many companies offer a variety of personalised gifts

Use your favorite photos, imprints, or family sayings to create smartphone cases, t-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons, mugs, bags, baby shirts, journals, and more. There are places like The Estate Watch & Jewelry Co. where you can order custom-designed jewelry, which would show you mean business! Many companies give coupons and discounts if you follow them on various social media platforms like Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Instead of individual gifts

Take a picture from last year and frame it. This works well for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings. The more memorable the event in the picture, the more meaningful the picture. Do not worry if everyone isn’t looking their best. The candid shot after the nephew stuck his fingers in the side of the birthday cake is priceless.

Expose classic literature to all the kids in the family

There are many options with pictures for the kids who need more than a pirate to keep their attention. Audiobooks are another excellent option. Some companies have recorded books in the live narrative – like a play – with sound effects and animated voices. This is a fantastic option many kids will enjoy.

Instead of a traditional formal dinner

Host a carolling and hot chocolate night. To keep the costs down, ask people to bring milk, marshmallows, dessert, etc. As the host, you provide the Christmas ambience and background music. To help anyone unfamiliar with the classic Christmas songs and carols, print copies of the songs the group will sing. Walk around your neighbourhood or call ahead to a nursing home, hospital or children’s home to schedule a singing time. Do not forget to retrieve the paper copies for the following year.

Compile a cookbook of all your favourite family recipes

This can be done as a family affair. Naturally, the organiser is going to have the most work. Be sure he or she likes to work on the computer and is happily willing to put in the time. There are also some online stores where you can compile your recipes (everyone enters their own), and then the company sends you the cookbook. It’s very little work on each individual’s part.

This list is a starting point for you. Do not forget to go to your local library to browse magazines and craft books for ideas. Online blogs, Pinterest and other sites could keep you busy for weeks with ideas for creative Christmas gifts.

The most important thing is to act. Make a decision about what you want to do and go with it. Grab some friends and have a “work” day where everyone leaves their regular responsibilities and focuses on their gift-making. Procrastination only leads to disappointment and a stomach ulcer. Enjoy the season and enjoy giving (and receiving) creative gifts.