5 Essential Components you Find at a Top-Rated School

If you are searching for a school for your growing child, there is much to consider from the school campus location to religious intonations and everything in between. What makes a good school? This is a question that many parents ask and with that in mind, here are what we consider to be essential components to a successful educational institute.

1. Fully equipped campus – Let’s say you want to send your son or daughter to a British curriculum school in Thailand that has all the amenities the students need; the campus should have a swimming pool, sports pitches, an indoor gym, a computer room, chemistry labs and a large natural space within the campus limits. A canteen would provide wholesome lunches, while indoor and outdoor play areas would be evident. If you would like to visit a school, it is best to book a tour via the school’s website, when the school principal would escort you around the campus and would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

2. Team of dedicated teaching staff – Every school must have a strong body of teachers, assistants and general staff, who all work together to provide a safe environment in which the children can develop to their fullest potential. An international school in Bangkok that teaches the British National Curriculum would directly hire qualified teachers from the UK, with 3-year contracts being the norm. This ensures that the curriculum is delivered effectively, with learning out comes carefully measured with tests and exams. Good education is all about making the right choices, as this article confirms.

3. Firm direction – The school principal should be the driving force, providing firm direction and ensuring that all parties are aware of the common goals. There should be harmony among teachers, students and staff, while parental involvement should be encouraged at every level. Much like the CEO of a corporation, the school principal plays a vital role that includes motivating all stakeholders, delegating and solving minor issues as and when they arise.

4. Academic prowess – The proof of the pudding is in the eating, or so the saying goes, the learning outcomes should be a degree of academic excellence such as these online TEFL teaching degrees within the students; if this is not the case, something is lacking. You can check on the website to see how the stats measure up regarding student GPAs and exam results, which is a solid benchmark of a school’s overall performance.

5. Happy students – Perhaps the most important ingredient of all, when you visit a school, take note of how the students are; happy kids are good learners and when you observe a class, you should be able to see the enjoyment the students are having. The days of strict teachers and not asking questions have long gone, thank goodness and a measure of success is definitely student happiness.

If you are currently looking for a British international school in Thailand, look for all of the above and you can make an informed decision that will greatly benefit your child.