Does Domestic Abuse Impact Your Divorce Proceedings?

Divorce seldom comes easily. However, divorce can be far more difficult when there has been domestic abuse in the marriage. One spouse’s decision to file for divorce could be influenced by domestic violence.

Another possible explanation for violent behavior is a desperate, last-ditch attempt to control a leaving partner and maintain them in the marriage.

Whatever the cause, a domestic partner’s use of aggression can have an effect on several divorce-related issues. Make sure you contact a Salt Lake City divorce attorney.

Family violence and divorce

According to Utah law, domestic abuse encompasses a variety of actions, such as attacks, sex assaults, stalking, and violent threats made by one individual against a living partner. Security for you and any kids you are responsible for must come first if you are a domestic abuse victim. Obtaining an order of protection against your abuser may be necessary.

The decision to end the relationship is often the most dangerous point for victims of domestic abuse. Since control is a significant factor in domestic violence, when the victimized partner departs, the abuser may escalate the violence to regain control.

Both no-fault and fault-based divorces are legal in the state of Utah. If you have been the victim of domestic abuse, you should probably apply for a fault-based separation. You must provide proof of your guilt when you file for divorce on a fault basis. However, if you are successful in doing so, you will get benefits that will give your post-divorce life a better and safer start.

How does establishing domestic violence affect child support and alimony?

Alimony in Utah is often determined by the requirement of the spouse requesting it, the other spouse’s ability to pay it, and the level of living that was set during the marriage. There is no set method for determining alimony, unlike child support, and other considerations may be considered in Utah while deciding whether to grant alimony. One of them is blame for the marriage’s dissolution, including domestic violence.

Suppose one spouse can demonstrate the other spouse’s fault. In that case, they may be granted more alimony for longer if they have endured domestic violence and are seeking alimony.

Domestic violence allegations and divorce

Whether the allegations against you are faithful, you should be aware that they could significantly influence your entitlements in a divorce. Whatever the situation, it is critical that you have a skilled family law attorney on your team who can refute any untrue accusations and defend your rights.